Marlborough New Zealand

Work in Marlborough New Zealand

Marlborough is a region located in the north-eastern part of the South Island of New Zealand, known for its stunning natural beauty, world-renowned wines, and outdoor recreational activities.

Work Opportunities

The Marlborough regions economy is primarily driven by its wine industry, which accounts for a significant portion of the regions employment opportunities. Other major industries in the region include aquaculture, agriculture, forestry, and tourism. The aquaculture industry is a significant employer, with job opportunities in green-lipped mussel and salmon farming. Agriculture is another major employer in the region, with opportunities in sheep and beef farming, dairy farming, and crop cultivation. Forestry is also an important industry, with opportunities in timber harvesting, processing, and export. Tourism is another significant employer, with job opportunities in accommodation, hospitality, and adventure tourism.

Major Employers

  • Marlborough Winegrowers - wine production and promotion
  • Allan Scott Family Winemakers - wine production and export
  • Cloudy Bay Vineyards - wine production and export
  • Marlborough Sounds Mariculture - green-lipped mussel farming and export
  • New Zealand King Salmon - salmon farming and export
  • Marlborough District Council - local government
  • Omaka Aviation Heritage Centre - tourism and aviation
  • Marlborough Airport - aviation and transportation
  • Marlborough Forest Industry Association - forestry and wood processing
  • Interislander - ferry services between the North and South Islands

Overall, Marlborough offers a range of employment opportunities in various industries, with the wine industry, aquaculture, agriculture, forestry, and tourism being the major employers in the region. The regions stunning natural beauty, world-renowned wines, and outdoor recreational activities make it an attractive destination for both tourists and professionals looking for job opportunities in a range of fields.

Marlborough New Zealand

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a gig and a job? arrow-right
A gig is a pre-defined task (or set of tasks) that has a specific expected outcome. On the gig exchange, it is FREE to list a gig under the services section. Services are fixed price or negotiable. Workers are selected based on services, availability, reputation & price. The money is withheld independently through our leading global Payment provider Stripe escrow account. Payment is only released upon satisfactory completion. Feedback is given by both parties to build marketplace reputation. A job is an advertisement listing the general requirements and services expected of a worker. Job advertisements are for permanent or contract based work (hourly rate).On the gig exchange, the job advertisements are FREE and listed under the Jobs section.
Is it safe to save my information on gigexchange? arrow-right
Yes, we have done everything to keep your personal information safe. We have partnered with Cloudflare, Google & Stripe to ensure all PCI compliance protections are in place. All card payment information is stored on Stripe, not gigexchange. We abide by all security best practices to reduce the risk of your customer data loss.
What is the difference between a gig and a contract job? arrow-right
A gig is a pre-defined task (or set of tasks) that has a specific expected outcome. On the gig exchange, it is FREE to list a gig under the services section.Services are fixed price or negotiable. Workers are selected based on services, availability, reputation & price. The money is withheld independently through our leading global Payment provider Stripe escrow account.Payment is only released upon satisfactory completion. Feedback is given by both parties to build marketplace reputation. A contract is an advertisement listing the general requirements and services expected of a worker in a time based role (hourly/daily rate). Contracts are listed under the Jobs section.
What type of files are supported for uploading my company logo arrow-right
We support the below file types and sizes: .png .jpg
How long does it take for me to receive my money after it has been released? arrow-right
Stripe can take up to 4 - 7 working days for our payment provider to deposit the funds into your account after they have been released.

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