Taranaki New Zealand

Work in Taranaki New Zealand

Taranaki is a region located on the west coast of the North Island of New Zealand, known for its stunning natural beauty, rich Maori heritage, and vibrant arts and culture scene.

One of the most famous attractions in Taranaki is Mount Taranaki, a dormant volcano that offers spectacular hiking and outdoor recreational opportunities. The region is also home to several other natural attractions, including the Egmont National Park, the Coastal Walkway, and the Pouakai Crossing.

The major industries in Taranaki include oil and gas, agriculture, manufacturing, and tourism. Oil and gas is a significant employer in the region, with job opportunities in exploration, production, and related support services. Agriculture is another major employer, with job opportunities in sheep and beef farming, dairy farming, and horticulture. Manufacturing is also a significant industry, with job opportunities in engineering, petrochemicals, and food processing. Tourism is another important industry, with opportunities in accommodation, hospitality, and adventure tourism.

Major Employers

  • OMV New Zealand - oil and gas exploration and production
  • Fonterra - dairy farming and manufacturing
  • Taranaki District Health Board - healthcare
  • TSB Bank - financial services
  • McDonalds - hospitality and food service
  • The Dow Chemical Company - petrochemicals manufacturing
  • DOC Taranaki - conservation and tourism
  • WITT - education and training

Overall, Taranaki offers a range of employment opportunities in various industries, with oil and gas, agriculture, manufacturing, and tourism being the major employers in the region. The regions stunning natural beauty, rich Maori heritage, and vibrant arts and culture scene make it an attractive destination for both tourists and professionals looking for job opportunities in a range of fields.

Taranaki New Zealand

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know I will be paid for my gig? arrow-right
Our leading payment provider will independently hold the money, for security and peace of mind for the gig worker, as well as a robust disputes policy and reducing fraud on the platform. Once you have completed the work, the gig lister will be notified and they will release payment once they are satisfied with the work completed, as outlined and agreed in the gig listing. For more information about pay in general, go to our Help Centre pay section
Is it safe to save my information on gigexchange? arrow-right
Yes, we have done everything to keep your personal information safe. We have partnered with Cloudflare, Google & Stripe to ensure all PCI compliance protections are in place. All card payment information is stored on Stripe, not gigexchange. We abide by all security best practices to reduce the risk of your customer data loss.
Are there any fees associated to cancellations, refunds and disputes? arrow-right
See our terms & conditions relating to fees in our pay section on the Help Centre.
What makes a great gig listing? arrow-right
The gig is a defined task, with a pre-determined outcome. If you ensure your scope of expected work is detailed, with a level of quality specified, this will reduce any miscommunication/misinterpretation when gig workers review.
Why do I need to upload my passport or driving license? arrow-right
You are uploading this information to Stripe, so they can validate you, which in turn builds trust for potential customers. This enhances the payment framework and yourself as a result, building another tier of trust and reputation inside our marketplace.

See here for more Help & Support questions